Suggested Reading

Books by Bede Griffiths

The Golden String. Bede Griffiths, Templegate, 1992.
Return to the Center. Bede Griffiths, Templegate, 1994.
Marriage of East and West. Bede Griffiths, Templegate, 1992.
The Cosmic Revelation:The Hindu Way to God. Bede Griffiths, Templegate, 1994.
Christ in India: Essays Towards a Christian-Hindu Dialogue. Bede Griffiths, Templegate, 1994
A Human Search: Reflection on My Life by Father Bede Griffiths. John Swindells (Editor), Wayne Teasdale, Liguori, 1996.
River of Compassion. Bede Griffiths, Continuum, 1987.
New Creation in Christ. Bede Griffiths, Templegate, 1994.
Bede Griffiths (Modern Spirituality Series). Bede Griffiths, Templegate, 1993.
Universal Wisdom: A Journey Through the Sacred Wisdom of the World. Bede Griffiths, HarperCollins, 1994.
A New Vision of Reality. Bede Griffiths, Templegate, 1992.
Christianity in the Light of the East. Bede Griffiths, Hibbert Trust, 1989.

Further Reading

Jesus Christ: Quest and Contex. Santosh Sebastian Cheruvally, ISPCK, 2011.
The Other Half of My Soul: Bede Griffiths and Hindu-Christian Dialogue. Beatrice Bruteau, Quest Books, 1996.
Bede Griffiths: A Life in Dialogue. Judson Trapnell, State University of New York Press, 2001.
A Human Search: Bede Griffiths Reflects on His Life. John Swindells (Editor), Bede Griffiths. Triumph Books. 1997. ISBN:0892439351
The Mystery Beyond: On Retreat with Bede Griffiths. Arthur James, Media Medio, 1997.
Beyond the Darkness: A Biography of Bede Griffiths. Shirley du Boulay, Doubleday, 1998.
Religious Dialogue as Hermeneutics: Bede Griffith’s Advaitic Approach. (Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series Iiib, South Asia, V.3). Kuruvila Pandikattu. Council for Research in Values & Philosophy.1999. ISBN:1565181387.
Arise My Love: Mysticism for a New Era. William Johnston, Orbis Books. 2000.
Purity of Heart and Contemplation: A Monastic Dialogue between Christian and Asian Traditions.
Bruno Barnhart (Editor) and Joseph Wong (Editor), Continuum International Publishing Group, 2001.
Second Simplicity: The Inner Shape of Christianity. Bruno Barnhart, Paulist Press, 1999.
Hindu-Christian Meeting Point
Swami Abhishiktananda. Revised edition, 1976. New Delhi: ISPCK.
The Intrareligious Dialogue. Raimundo Panikkar, Paulist Press, 1978. Revised 1999.
The Gethsemani Encounter: A Dialogue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian Monastics. Donald Mitchell and James Wiseman, editors, Continuum, 1997.
Dialogo Interreligioso nel magistero pontificio, Vatican: Francesco Gioia, editor. Vatican Library, 1994; as Interreligious Dialogue: The Official Teaching of the Catholic Curuch (1963-1995). Boston: Pauline Books and Media 1997
Jules Monchanin (1895-1957) As Seen From East and West. Acts of the Colloquium held in Lyon-Fleurie, France and in Shantivanam-Tannirpalli, India (April-July 1995). 2001 Saccidananda Ashram/ISPCK
A Monk in the World: Cultivating a Spriritual Life. Wayne Teasdale, New World Library, 2002.
The One Light: Bede Griffiths’ Principal Writings. Edited and with Commentary, Bruno Barnhart. Templegate, 2002.
The Cave of the Heart: The Life of Swami Abhishiktananda. Shirley du Boulay, Orbis Books, 2005.
Bede Griffiths: Friend and Gift of the Spirit. Meath Conlan, Templegate, 2006.
Swami Abhishiktananda: Essential Writings. Shirley du Boulay, Orbis Books, 2007.
The Future of Wisdom: Toward a Rebirth of Sapiential Christianity Bruno Barnhart, Continuum, 2007.
Ashram Diary: In India with Bede Griffiths by Thomas Matus, 2009.
Jesus in the Lotus: The Mystical Doorway Between Christianity and Yogic Spirituality. Russill Paul, 2009.
Prayer in the Cave of the Heart: The Universal Call to Contemplation. Cyprian Consiglio, Liturgical Press, 2010.